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Key Takeaways:

  • Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves.
  • It is normal for teens to experience feelings of low self-esteem and lack of confidence.
  • Self-esteem worksheets and activities can help increase confidence in one’s abilities.

It is normal to lack confidence at times, especially during one’s teen years. However, having low self-esteem can be especially challenging. Teens with lower self-esteem may view themselves very differently compared to how other people actually see them. It can make things like starting school, working on tasks, and forming new friendships difficult. Self-esteem worksheets for teens are tools that can help improve confidence and a teen’s regard for themselves. Here are 20 of the best self-esteem worksheets and activities that your teen can use.

20 Best Self-Esteem Worksheets and Activities for Teens

Self-esteem worksheets for adolescents can provide a guide on how to build confidence, pride, and morale in teens.

1. Self-Esteem Daily Check-In

A teen’s self-esteem can be affected by many things, including the environment, how safe they feel, and their self-concept. Parents, teachers, social workers, and mental health professionals can help teens develop their self-esteem by doing check-ins that help them recognize good things that happen on any given day. This worksheet provides a list of prompts and questions that will help your teen identify simple accomplishments or positive things that they see and experience.

Self-Esteem Daily Check-In

2. Forgiving Myself

Part of building one’s self-esteem is the act of self-forgiveness, which involves letting go of negative emotions tied to mistakes or errors committed in the past. Forgiveness may come easily when it’s for others, but it can be difficult for the self. This self-forgiveness worksheet is helpful for teens in practicing self-compassion and developing a better relationship with themselves and those around them. This emotional healing can significantly and positively impact one’s self-esteem.

Self-Forgiveness Worksheet

3. My Strengths

Teens have unique strengths, whether that’s honesty, loyalty, or perseverance. By identifying the strengths that they have, teens can grow the confidence needed to go after their dreams and achieve the things they put their minds to. To build self-esteem, it helps to identify one’s top strengths as well as other strengths to develop. If your teen has trouble identifying their strengths, ask them what activities they enjoy and what makes them happy.

My Strengths Worksheet

4. Daily Affirmations

Our self-esteem can be influenced by the environment, such as when challenging situations happen and affect us. When life gets difficult, teens can still remain positive by using daily affirmations. Examples of these statements include “I don’t need to be perfect” and “Challenges make me stronger.” Using this handout can keep negative thoughts at bay and help maintain our self-esteem.

Daily Affirmations (PDF)

5. Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

Self-esteem can affect every aspect of a teen’s life, including their physical health, emotional well-being, and relationships. Individuals with high self-esteem believe in their capabilities while recognizing and mitigating their weaknesses. In this worksheet, teens can learn how to take small steps to improve their self-esteem.

Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

6. Daily Self-Esteem Journal

Reflecting on positive behaviors, lessons learned, and personal goals is a great way to build self-esteem. Teens can do just that by using this self-esteem journal. They can rate their self-esteem on a scale of 1 to 10 and answer questions such as, “The best part of today was…” and “Positive feelings I experienced today were…” Journaling this way will allow teens to think of things that will make them feel good about themselves.

Daily Self-Esteem Journal for Kids

7. Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are declarations that allow teens to feel good no matter the situation. These statements can help build self-esteem by reassuring teens that they are talented, creative, and competent. It helps teens learn how to appreciate small things, which boosts their happiness and health. This worksheet will encourage your child to come up with positive affirmations from A to Z. They can place this on the wall by their desk or anywhere they can see it daily.

Positive Affirmations Worksheet

8. Self-Esteem Coping Statements

Challenging negative thinking and feeling good about yourself is an important part of building self-esteem. By using self-esteem coping statements such as “I am stronger than I think,” teens can battle anxiety or fear. This worksheet is great for those with lower self-esteem or teens who tend to be self-critical.

Self-Esteem Coping Statements

9. Self-Esteem Coping Skills

Teens can use this handout to help them overcome uncertainty and self-doubt. It contains different coping techniques, such as practicing self-care, learning not to take things too personally, and surrounding themselves with positive people. This can be used anywhere, from the home to the classroom.

Self-Esteem Coping Skills for Teens

10. Self-Esteem Journal

Journaling is an excellent activity that allows teens to reflect and be more aware of their positive experiences. However, it’s common to get stuck when you are ready to write an entry. Use the journaling prompts in this worksheet to get your teen started on their journal entry. These prompts focus on positive attributes, goals, strengths, and challenges that your teen has overcome. By focusing on good things, teens will improve their self-esteem, which in turn improves their behaviors.

Self-Esteem Journal

11. The Alphabet of Self-Esteem

It is normal to struggle with our self-esteem on a daily basis. It may be caused by illness, stressful and difficult life events, or even social media. This self-esteem alphabet handout is useful for when you need a reminder of various ways to have healthy self-esteem, such as coping skills like asking for help and doing something creative.

The Alphabet of Self-Esteem

12. My Positive Qualities

Appreciating our personal positive qualities can inspire us to do better and succeed in life. Teens can use this worksheet to choose from a list of qualities they already possess or want to further develop in themselves. They can also write down the steps they can take to develop their desired qualities.

My Positive Qualities Worksheet

13. I Am An Amazing Person

Teens with high self-esteem feel good about themselves. They believe in their abilities, don’t give up easily, and are proud of their accomplishments. If your teen is struggling with low self-esteem, this worksheet can help by asking them specific questions that focus on their positive qualities, happy memories, life values, and actions that have helped others.

"I Am an Amazing Person" Worksheet

14. Positive Self-Talk for Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is all about how we perceive and value ourselves, and practicing positive self-talk can have a great effect on the way teens see themselves. By engaging in positive self-talk, teens are more likely to believe in their abilities, which leads to fulfillment in their academic and personal lives. This worksheet encourages positive self-talk by writing down three statements teens can use when they feel sad, worried, or anxious.

Positive Self-Talk for High Self-Esteem

15. Comfort Zone

Staying in your comfort zone is best described as a state of being at ease and in control. However, stepping outside of your comfort zone can be beneficial as it provides teens with healthy challenges that allows them to explore new skills and talents. Not only that, but it also attracts new opportunities. This worksheet is an excellent tool that will help your teen step outside their comfort zone through flexibility, resilience, and confidence.

Comfort Zone Worksheet

16. Self-Esteem Review

Having positive self-esteem is essential for a teen’s well-being as it helps them handle stress and build resilience. When young people are aware of their own self-esteem issues, they can work on improving it through helping others or mastering a new skill. This worksheet is great for teens to rate specific items related to their self-esteem. They can then write down steps to take in improving their self-esteem as well as things they are currently doing that make them feel confident.

Self-Esteem Review

17. My Accomplishments

One of the best ways to boost a teen’s self-esteem is to recognize their accomplishments, whether big or small. Being reminded of the people they’ve helped, the lessons they’ve learned, and the difficult things they’ve done can provide feelings of positivity and a sense of purpose. Teens can use this worksheet to write down their accomplishments and think about their future goals.

My Dreams List

18. My Dreams

It is important to encourage teens to dream big because it gives them hope and a sense of accountability. This worksheet is an engaging activity that helps teens express the things they want to be, do, or have in life. They can get creative and think of the possibilities without limitations. The feeling that anything is possible can greatly improve a teen’s self-esteem.

19. Self-Esteem Checklist

One of the best ways to improve a teen’s self-esteem is to simply do things that make them feel healthy, happy, and well overall. Teens can use this checklist to remember to do self-care activities that they can practice regularly. When we feel happy and healthy, our self-esteem increases.

Self-Esteem Checklist

20. How My Self-Esteem Changes

Self-esteem can be influenced by various things, including life events, the environment, and beliefs about the self. Teens may also place a high value on what important people in their lives might say. This worksheet allows teens to rate their self-esteem from 0 to 10 and identify what’s affecting it. More importantly, it encourages them to write down the thing that make them feel good so that they can improve their self-esteem.

How My Self-Esteem Changes


Positive self-esteem is so important as it allows teens to try new things, take healthy risks, and solve problems. These printable self-esteem worksheets for teens are just a few of the tools you can use to improve your child’s well-being. Try other activities you may find that will help improve your teen’s self-esteem and watch their confidence blossom.

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