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Terms of Use

Last updated on 24 May 2022

Welcome to Mental Health Center Kids. Please read these "terms of use" carefully before using our service.


The contents of this website, including our text, images, and downloadable materials are not for commercial use. They are intended for personal or professional use only.

What’s Allowed

  • You may use this product for your own personal use: in your home, classroom, or counseling office.
  • Make as many printed, hard copies as you need for your own home, classroom, or caseload use. You may have the resources professionally printed as long as the personal use terms are followed.
  • You may share online with your own clients, students, and their families on a PROTECTED, SECURE, and PRIVATE platform that is not searchable, accessible, or available to anyone else outside of your school or agency.
  • Please give credit to Mental Health Center Kids as the author, and remind clients or students that this is a copyrighted resource that is for their sole use only, and to please not share with others, in printed form or online.

What’s Not Allowed

  • Please do NOT share any Mental Health Center Kids resources with anyone outside your home, classroom, or caseload.
  • Please do NOT upload any Mental Health Center Kids resource to a public website, such as a school website that is accessible to the public, on social media accounts, or Facebook group files.
  • Paid resources (either digital or pdf) CANNOT be shared with colleagues, teachers, or other professionals for their own use. Please refer them to our store if they would like to purchase their own digital products.
  • You may NOT extract, edit, copy or use any parts of Mental Health Center Kids resources, including illustrations, to create something new or distribute in any way, for either personal or commercial use.

We welcome your questions and feedback. Please reach us through our Contact form.

Refund Policy

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please know that we do not offer a refund due to the nature of this digital product. Our no refund policy includes all purchases made on Mentalhealthcenterkids.com. Please feel free to contact us by filling out this form if you have any problems with your order.

Shipping Policy

All of the products in our store are digital downloads. All products can be downloaded immediately after purchasing. No physical product or print will be shipped. If you have any concerns, please contact us through this form.