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Key Takeaways:

  • Journaling is not just an avenue for self-expression but also a means for people to engage in reflection.
  • There are many journal prompts for kids provided in this article, all of which target certain aspects crucial in a child’s development.
  • Keeping a journal is associated with positive outcomes, such as improvements in self-confidence and emotional awareness.

Journaling is a means to record one’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences; in other words, it is an outlet for self-expression. For many children, keeping a journal can also be a vehicle for reflection, especially when their writing is facilitated by well-crafted prompts. Research has indicated that providing journal prompts for kids can promote reflective thinking on a deeper level [*]. Guided journaling can also benefit the child in other ways. Thus, in this article, you will not only find several journal prompts for kids but also learn how journal writing relates to positive outcomes in the course of the child’s development.

Gratitude Journal Prompts for Kids

There are many ways to approach journal writing, but one form of journaling that is popular among kids and teens is gratitude journaling. One basic gratitude journal prompt for kids is, “I am grateful for . . .” with the child being instructed to complete the sentence. Other journal prompts that kids can use to express their gratitude in writing may include:

  • Who are three of your best friends at school, and what is your best memory with each of them?
  • Who were the last five people you said, “Thank you,” to? Why did you say it?
  • What holiday is your personal favorite, and why are you thankful for this holiday?
  • What are five things you like about your best friend or sibling?
  • What were the last three nice things done for you by others?
  • What is something your parents do for you regularly that makes you thankful for them?
  • When you think of gratitude, what does it mean to you?
  • How do you feel when others show you gratitude for doing nice things and being kind?
  • Which of your five senses are you most grateful for and why?
  • What is something unique about yourself that you are grateful for? Why?
  • What season are you most grateful for and why?
  • Who is one family member you are grateful for? What would you like to thank them for?
  • How does your family make your life better?
  • What is your favorite place in your house?
  • What is something you own at home that you are thankful for? What does it allow you to do?

How are gratitude journal prompts for kids such as these beneficial? For one, expressing gratitude can enhance interpersonal relationships. It can also cultivate healthy, adaptive behaviors. Finally, gratitude affirmations expressed through journaling can foster positivity. In sum, responding to gratitude journal prompts can positively contribute to one’s overall subjective well-being [*].

Self-Confidence Journal Prompts for Kids

Another benefit of journaling is that it can boost self-confidence. For instance, one study indicated that writing in a journal increased students' self-confidence by serving as an avenue for them to become more aware of the reasons behind their motivation or lack thereof [*]. The following are some self-confidence journal prompts for kids:

  • What is something you have done that you are proud of?
  • What does the word confidence mean to you?
  • What do you love about yourself?
  • When do you feel the most confident and capable?
  • What are five qualities that make you unique?
  • Why do you deserve to love yourself?
  • What pep talk can you give yourself the next time you are having a bad day?
  • When was the last time you felt confident? What happened to make you feel that way?
  • Who is the most confident person you know? What makes them so confident?
  • Do you find it difficult to be confident? Why or why not?
  • What is your favorite thing about your personality? Why?
  • What is your greatest talent?
  • What is one thing you can do that has impressed someone? How did their reaction make you feel?
  • What is one skill that you mastered with a lot of hard work?
  • What is a hobby or activity that you are good at?
  • What is your superpower?

Through the guidance of journal prompts for kids on self-confidence, children are allowed the opportunity to state positive affirmations for confidence. By being able to affirm themselves in the form of journaling, it helps them to believe in themselves, their capabilities, and their potential.

Mindfulness Journal Prompts for Kids

Journal prompts for kids can also help kids practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is often associated with mindfulness meditation, where one pays conscious attention to their present experience [*]. Practicing mindfulness through journaling can also benefit children by allowing them to reflect on what is important and what makes them happy. By keeping a journal, kids are able to express more gratitude for where they currently are in life [*]. There are many mindfulness journal prompts for kids, including:

  • What are some challenges that stretch your limits and help you grow?
  • In what ways do you impact your school, family, or community?
  • Where are you holding tension in your body right now?
  • In what ways do you feel loved right now?
  • What is making you feel anxious or stressed right now?
  • How are you feeling about yourself at this moment?
  • When do you feel most authentically yourself?
  • What are three things you noticed this morning?
  • What obstacles to inner peace are you facing?
  • What things do you look forward to in the day to come?
  • If there is anything you would like to do differently in your life, what would it be?
  • What steps can you take to grow into the person you want to be?
  • Are you content? If not, what are your biggest obstacles to feeling content?
  • What can you let go of that would make your life more free and less tense?
  • In what ways can you be more compassionate toward yourself?
  • If this was your last day on Earth, how would you approach the day?

Empathy and Kindness Journal Prompts for Kids

Empathy is characterized by an understanding of how another person experiences the world [*]. To be able to foster and maintain deep connections with people, some degree of empathy, as well as kindness, is crucial. Journaling prompts for kids that pertain to empathy and kindness can facilitate this level of connection, such as the following:

  • When did you last help someone else, and how did it make you feel?
  • How did you make a new friend feel welcome?
  • What message can you give to someone whom you know might be feeling sad?
  • Do you ever struggle to feel or show empathy for others? Why or why not?
  • Why do people deserve kindness?
  • How can you let someone know you care?
  • Reflect on a time you interacted with someone who has a different perspective from yours. What did you feel and think during the interaction?What insights did you gain about their viewpoint?
  • Write about a time you felt deeply understood by someone else. How did this experience impact you?
  • Make a resolution to be kind and then write about your experience.
  • Think of a movie or book that portrays kindness. What does this story teach people?
  • How can you influence others to be kind?
  • Who is the kindest person you know?
  • When you think about kindness, what comes to mind?
  • What are some striking examples of kindness in the world?
  • How can you start being more kind to your parents?
  • How can you use honesty to be more kind?

Growth Mindset Journal Prompts for Kids

Journal prompts for kids that facilitate a growth mindset can also prove to be helpful. Research shows that growth mindset interventions can improve students’ motivation [*]. The following are examples of growth mindset journal prompts for kids:

  • What are five things you wish you were better at? What steps can you take to improve?
  • How do you feel about change?
  • What is your greatest talent, and what new thing can you try to nurture that talent?
  • What is something you gave up on that you would try again?
  • What fear is holding you back from accomplishing a goal? How can you overcome that fear?
  • What limits do you place on yourself?
  • What can you learn from your most recent mistake?
  • What is one challenge you faced today, and how did you handle it?
  • What are three things you can do to improve yourself today?
  • What is one skill that you have always wanted to learn? What is holding you back from starting?
  • What is a limiting belief you have about yourself? How can you challenge it?
  • How do you react when you encounter failure or criticism?
  • What are some ways you can turn a negative situation into a positive one?
  • Why is lifelong learning important?
  • Write a letter to someone who has inspired you to grow.
  • What does growth mean to you?

Apart from journaling guided by growth mindset prompts, kids can also benefit from some inspiring growth mindset quotes. Together, both can help cultivate a healthier way of thinking.

Goal Setting Journal Prompts for Kids

Another way journal prompts for kids can be beneficial is by targeting goal setting. Goal setting is important because without it, people might lack the motivation to act in ways that could achieve survival and happiness [*]. The following are some journal prompts for kids related to goal setting:

  • What do you want to achieve by setting goals?
  • What are five short-term goals that you want to reach?
  • What are five long-term goals that you want to reach?
  • How does thinking about achieving your ultimate goals make you feel?
  • What are three self-care goals that you can set today?
  • What is one goal you can set for yourself today that will put you in a good mood?
  • What do you feel is holding you back from achieving your goals?
  • What are three major goals you want to achieve in the next year, and why are they important to you?
  • Imagine your ideal life 5 years from now. What goals have you achieved, and how did you get there?
  • List all of the small goals that will lead you to your major life goal.
  • What is the most important thing you want to accomplish?
  • By the end of this month, what do you hope to have achieved?
  • Choose one area in your life that needs improvement. What goals can you set to enhance it?
  • List the milestones you have hit this year. How do they measure up to your expectations?
  • Write about a setback you experienced. How has it impacted how you view goal achievement?

Emotional Awareness Journal Prompts for Kids

Journaling guided by emotional awareness prompts can facilitate more positive emotions, as emotional awareness plays a relevant role in preventing or reducing depressive and anxiety symptoms in teenagers [*]. The following are some emotional awareness journal prompts for kids:

  • What was one moment today when you felt truly content? What sparked this feeling?
  • What was one time you felt really frustrated? What was the root cause?
  • What was one instance when you felt misunderstood? How did you react?
  • What is one recurring worry you have, and why does it keep coming back?
  • What is one moment of unexpected joy you experienced this week?
  • What emotion do you find most challenging to deal with, and why?
  • When did you last feel truly relaxed?
  • What is one experience that made you feel sad, and how did you cope with it?
  • How did forgiving someone make you feel?
  • What emotion have you been trying to avoid, and why are you avoiding it?
  • When was the last time you felt overwhelmed? What was going on?
  • What was one moment you felt genuinely happy for someone else?
  • How has personal loss affected you?
  • When did you last feel conflicted? What were the opposing emotions?
  • How does practicing patience make you feel?
  • When did you last feel disappointed in myself, and why?


Guided journaling can reap several benefits, such as enhanced self-confidence, greater well-being, and positive emotions. Keeping a journal can lead to better, more adaptive ways of coping. It can steer children and teenagers in the right direction as they allow emotions to ventilate, and invite the possibility of better mental health. Feel free to check out our coping skills worksheets, which can also assist children with emotional awareness and positive coping.


  1. Cengiz C. The effect of structured journals on reflection levels: With or without question prompts? 2020.
  2. Boyd R. Effects of free response and prompted gratitude journaling on middle school students' subjective well-being. August 2019.
  3. Ottmar I. Benefits of implementing journaling activities in physical education at the elementary school level. December 2016.
  4. Shapiro SL, Carlson LE, Astin JA, et al. Mechanisms of mindfulness. 2006.
  5. Hodges Bellinger K. The write to well-being: A mixed methods case study integrating SEL into academic content through journaling to promote adolescent well-being. 2024.
  6. Elliot R, Watson JC, and Greenberg LS. Empathy. 2011.
  7. Rhew E, Piro JS, Goolkasian P, and others. The effects of a growth mindset on self-efficacy and motivation. 2 July 2018.
  8. Latham GP and Locke EA. Enhancing the benefits and overcoming the pitfalls of goal setting. 2006.
  9. Sendzik L, Schafer JO, Samson AC, and others. Emotional awareness in depressive and anxiety symptoms in youth: A meta-analytic review. 2017.

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