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Key Takeaways:

  • Anger is an emotion that can be challenging to control.
  • Anger management is especially important for teens as they go through intense emotions in adolescence.
  • Using the right tools, like anger worksheets, can make anger management easier.

Anger is an emotion that can be difficult to control. It can come up quickly during upsetting situations, and it is usually quite an unpleasant experience. This can be especially true for teens as they continue to grapple with the challenges of adolescence, including feeling intense emotions like anger. Having the right tools, such as anger management worksheets for teenagers, can be extremely valuable for support and guidance.

15 Printable Anger Management Worksheet for Teenagers

Printable worksheets are an engaging way to help manage anger for teens. Check out these 15 anger management worksheets for adolescents that can help teens deal with angry emotions:

1. Anger Thermometer

Being able to visualize anger can help teens better gauge their emotions and manage them in a more productive way. This anger thermometer worksheet allows one to identify where their anger lies in a spectrum, from “calm, peaceful, and relaxed” all the way to “enraged, explosive, and furious.” Once teens know the “temperature” of their feelings, they can use some of the coping skills listed on the worksheet to calm down, including exercising, grounding, getting fresh air, and writing about their achievements.

anger thermometer

2. Anger Flow Chart

An anger flowchart helps teens manage their emotions by first identifying the triggers for angry feelings. It then guides teens through the feeling by asking a series of questions. The flowchart eventually leads your teen to several appropriate coping skills. This worksheet is designed to promote calmness and self-awareness for teens. It can also be supplemented with other ways to cope, such as deep breathing, grounding, and using positive statements.

anger flow chart

3. Anger Triggers

One of the most important elements in managing anger is identifying one’s triggers. Such triggers for teens may include rejection, getting hurt, or being treated unfairly. An anger triggers worksheet can be very helpful in helping teens identify things or situations that make them feel angry. Teens can rate each of their triggers on a scale of 1 to 10 and utilize some coping mechanisms that help them relax and feel calm.

my anger triggers

4. Working Through Anger

There are many ways to work through anger, and this is exactly what this worksheet teaches your teen. Techniques such as deep breathing, slow counting, and using encouraging self-talk are just some of the ways that one can work through their anger. This worksheet allows teens to describe their emotions and identify coping skills under different categories to better manage their anger.

working through anger

5. Anger Management Coping Skills

Anger management coping skills are valuable for teens who are looking to reduce stress, increase calmness, and maintain good relationships with peers and others. This worksheet will teach teens how to do that as well as recognizing the difference between healthy and unhealthy coping behaviors.

anger management coping skills

6. Coping Statements for Anger

Coping with one’s anger is extremely important. When anger is left unchecked, temper tantrums, aggression, bullying, and emotional apathy can develop. Coping statements can help teens deal with their anger before it escalates. By reciting and writing these statements, it will be easier for teens to calm down and manage their anger.

coping statements for anger

7. Anger Warning Signs

There are several warning signs that could indicate that an angry outburst is about to occur. Such signs include impatience, jealousy, and physical ailments like stomachaches and headaches. An anger warning signs worksheet can help your teen identify the warning signs that they experience. This will allow them to be more aware of when they start to feel angry so they can get it under control using coping techniques.

warning signs of anger

8. Anger Triggers

While unpleasant, anger is a normal emotion that teens may feel from time to time. However, this may be an issue if your teen continues to feel triggered by situations and events that lead them to express their anger in unhealthy ways. Using this worksheet can help teens assess their triggers and control their emotions by using healthy coping skills. By knowing what makes one angry, it becomes easier to handle anger in a more productive way and improve their mental wellbeing.

anger triggers

9. Positive Affirmations for Anger

Managing anger does not always mean identifying the negative aspects of it. Sometimes, what a teen needs is something positive to control and redirect their angry feelings. Teens can use the positive affirmations for anger worksheet to practice positive affirmations to calm down. They can say things like, “My anger is not in charge; I am” and other short positive statements to feel better and make good life choices.

positive affirmations for anger

10. Anger Management Self-Assessment

It can be extremely difficult for teens to handle intense feelings like anger. It is important for teens to assess how well they manage their anger in order to control it. This allows them to be more self-aware. By using the anger management self-assessment worksheet, teens can identify areas for improvement and appropriate coping strategies.

self assessment test for anger

11. Anger Diary

Acting out is a common reaction when teens cannot manage their anger well. By building an awareness of their anger, teens will be able to deal with it in healthier ways. Your teen can use an anger diary worksheet to track their triggers, thoughts, body signals, actions, and outcomes. As your teen fills up the anger diary, help them come up with better anger management solutions.

anger diary

12. Anger Iceberg

Anger might seem like an emotion that occurs on its own, but what we may not realize is that it often comes with other hidden feelings. Sadness, guilt, or fear often lie beneath an angry reaction. Whenever your teen displays angry behavior, remember that there is a reason behind it. To help teens identify the underlying emotions that may cause their anger, they can use the anger iceberg worksheet. This can be done alone, with a parent or guardian, or during therapy.

anger iceberg worksheet

13. Anger Behaviors

When teens are angry, there are certain behaviors that they might display without realizing it. Anger can manifest in different ways, whether it’s crying, saying mean things, or shutting down emotionally. Using the anger behaviors worksheet can help teens identify the actions associated with their anger. This can help them manage it more effectively. After answering the worksheet, it is best to go through coping skills such as deep breathing, imagining a peaceful place, and letting go of negative feelings to help your teen calm down.

anger behaviors

14. Is Your Anger a Problem?

Expressing anger isn’t always necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it can be a healthy way to maintain boundaries and stand your ground. However, anger can start to become a problem if it affects one’s daily functioning and negatively impacts relationships. This worksheet can help teens assess their anger by rating how much an anger problem applies to them. Knowing how severe your teen’s anger is can help you manage it together.

is your anger a problem

15. Preparing for Anger

Anger is an inevitable part of life. However, that does not give us an excuse to exercise anger in unhealthy and hurtful ways. This worksheet helps teens prepare for anger as it arises. It helps them identify situations that might trigger negative feelings. The worksheet also makes it easier to identify warning signs and identify the right coping skills to keep anger at bay.

preparing for anger


When teens learn how to manage their anger, it can lead to many benefits. Anger management worksheets for teens can lead to increased self-esteem, improved relationships, improved mental health, and more productivity. While it is impossible to completely avoid anger, learning how anger management for teens is essential for a happy and successful life.

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