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“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”

This quote by Audre Lorde speaks volumes to me about honoring the strengths of neurodivergent children and teens. The truth is that a lot of minds are great, but no two minds think in exactly the same way.

We All Think Differently and That’s Okay 

I’d like you to picture a room that’s full of colorful Lego blocks. 

A neurotypical child entering the room will likely imagine the design they want to build using those blocks. On the other hand, a neurodivergent child spends more time examining the blocks and carefully considering how each one fits into the larger design.

Make no mistake… both kids find the Lego-building experience satisfying!

The difference? The neurotypical child thrives on spontaneity whereas the neurodivergent child thrives on being observant and detail oriented.

I hope you'll consider hanging this artwork on your wall, as I did in my therapy office this past week. It has brought smiles to my clients’ faces, and I believe it could do the same for you!

Can we make this world a better place? Definitely.

Just remember to practice these two words: UNDERSTANDING and INCLUSION.

*This article was originally published in our email newsletter on October 29, 2024.

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