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Research on the Impact of Sleep on Child Behavior and Emotional Regulation

Having a regular bedtime and wake-up time is important for a child’s emotions and behavior. Parenting strategies can help with these benefits.

A study published in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics looked at how a child’s sleep habits affect their emotions and behavior at age 6. The researchers found that the consistency of a child’s sleep schedule was more important than how long they slept or how well they slept.

When kids had a regular bedtime and wake-up time, they were better at controlling their emotions and making good choices. But when their sleep times changed a lot from night to night, they were more impulsive and had a harder time managing their feelings.

One interesting finding was that the effect of sleep inconsistency was different depending on the child’s early experiences. Kids who had been part of a program that taught parents how to respond to their children’s needs seemed to be less affected by sleep irregularity. In contrast, kids who weren’t in that program had a harder time with emotional regulation when their bedtimes varied.

These findings show how important it is for kids to have a predictable sleep routine. Many parents focus on making sure their child gets enough sleep, but this study tells us that keeping bedtime and wake-up times as consistent as possible might be even more important.

Understanding the Research

This study examined the relationship between actigraphic sleep measures and behavioral outcomes at age 6 among children in the INSIGHT (Intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories) trial.

The researchers hypothesized that better sleep quality would be linked to greater behavioral and emotional control and prosocial behavior in children. They also looked at whether responsive parenting influenced how sleep affected behavior.

Families were assigned to one of two groups: a responsive parenting intervention or a home safety intervention. The responsive parenting group received guidance on healthy sleep habits, feeding, and emotional regulation, while the home safety group focused on injury prevention.

At age 6, children’s sleep patterns were assessed using actigraphy devices, which they wore for seven days. These devices recorded total sleep time (TST), sleep efficiency, and sleep timing, including onset, midpoint, and offset.

These were the results:

  • Greater sleep onset variability (i.e., inconsistent bedtimes) was associated with lower emotion regulation and higher impulsivity.
  • The Responsive Parenting group showed significantly better child behavior outcomes compared to the Home Safety group.
  • Children in the Responsive Parenting group showed higher prosocial behavior and better emotion regulation at age 6.

Kids with more consistent bedtimes had better emotional control and fewer behavior problems, but the parenting intervention had the strongest impact.

Practical Strategies for Parents and Caregivers

The good news is that small changes to a child’s routine can make a big difference. Here are strategies to help parents and caregivers create a more consistent sleep schedule:

Set a regular bedtime and wake-up time

Try to keep your child’s sleep schedule the same every day, even on weekends. For example, if your child goes to bed at 8:00 PM on school nights, try to keep that same bedtime on weekends instead of letting them stay up late.

A consistent routine will help regulate their internal clock. If you’re looking for tips to improve sleep, a predictable bedtime is a great place to start!

Help them wind down emotionally

If your child struggles with anxiety or big emotions before bed, try relaxation techniques like deep breathing, soft music, gratitude journaling, or reading together. Emotional struggles, like anxiety or stress, can make it difficult for kids to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Watch out for hidden “sleep disruptors”

Caffeine is a stimulant that can make it harder for kids to relax and fall asleep, even if they consume it hours before bedtime. Some parents don’t realize that chocolate, iced tea, and certain sodas contain caffeine, so checking labels is a good idea.

Eating a heavy meal too close to bedtime can also interfere with sleep. Large portions or spicy foods may cause discomfort. Exciting activities — like playing video games or watching action-packed shows — can also overstimulate a child’s brain.

Discover the many benefits of good sleep in this handout.

The authors also suggest that future research needs to examine how specific bedtime routines may influence children’s behavior.

Check out our Healthy Habits Posters for more effective ways to support your child’s daily routines! 

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