Research on Teen Mental Health and Its Impact on the Economy
Research shows that teens with mental health struggles earn less and face more challenges as adults. However, investing in them may lead to a stronger economy.
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Research shows that teens with mental health struggles earn less and face more challenges as adults. However, investing in them may lead to a stronger economy.
Cyberbullying on social media can negatively impact children and teens. Learn the signs of cyberbullying and what you can do to help.
Research shows that social media and teen self-esteem are interconnected. Learn strategies to help your child navigate the digital world.
This study discusses how problematic internet use affects teen loneliness and how strong family communication and support from others can help.
School refusal in kids and teens can lead to emotional, social, and educational consequences. Learn how you can address school refusal promptly and effectively.
In this research study, learn how brain activity relates to gaming addiction in teens. We’ll also explore tips for promoting healthier habits.
A study on loneliness and post-traumatic stress in teens shows how these issues are linked. Here’s what you need to know.
Conduct disorder manifests as aggressive and antisocial behavior in children. Learn how you can help your child manage it.
Here are key insights from The Girls’ Index 2023 study about the struggles U.S. girls face with confidence, stress, and social pressures.
Teen grief can be overwhelming and challenging to navigate. Learn how to help teenagers process their emotions and stressors.
Teens are highly influenced by their peers when it comes to substance use. Here’s a research summary with strategies for parents and caregivers.
Teenagers need to feel confident to succeed. Try these activities to boost self-esteem in teens and encourage them to reach their goals!