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Key Takeaways:

  • Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness, dread, or fear experienced by many teens.
  • Anxiety worksheets can help teens manage their anxiety.
  • Anxiety worksheets can be used on their own or with therapy.

Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness that most teens may experience at some point in their adolescence. While helpful in small doses, anxiety can become a problem if it starts to affect how you live everyday life. An adolescent who has anxiety that is intense or out of control in proportion to any given situation may benefit from tools such as anxiety worksheets for teens.

15 Anxiety Worksheet for Teens

Anxiety worksheets can be used on their own or together with therapeutic treatment. Here are 15 helpful anxiety worksheets that your teen can use to manage their anxious feelings:

1. Anxiety Triggers Worksheet

Teenagers can develop anxiety for a number of reasons that range from getting bullied, feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, and being around people who make them uncomfortable. This worksheet allows teens to recognize situations that may be triggers for their anxiety. As they identify their triggers, the worksheet then guides them in rating said triggers on a scale of 1 to 10 to determine the severity of each. When teens can identify their triggers, it becomes easier to anticipate and prevent anxiety attacks.

my anxiety triggers

2. Anxiety Thermometer

Visualizing one’s anxiety is extremely helpful in learning more about it and managing it more effectively. Teens who feel anxious can use this worksheet to determine where they are on a spectrum of anxious emotions, from “calm and relaxed” to “frantic and out of control.” The worksheet also teaches teens some coping techniques they can use if they feel anxious, such as taking deep breaths, splashing cold water on their faces, and thinking of a peaceful place.

anxiety thermometer

3. Coping with Anxiety

This worksheet helps teens evaluate the things that make them anxious and presents actions they can take advantage of to regulate their emotions. The worksheet groups coping skills into different categories, namely Relaxation, Distraction, Movement, and Thinking. There are also blanks where your teen can write their own coping mechanism if they believe it helps them.

coping with anxiety

4. Anxious Thoughts Breakdown

Having anxious thoughts from time to time is normal. But having anxious thoughts too often can cause a teen to live their life out of fear. The anxious thoughts breakdown worksheet can help teens express any anxious thoughts and then counteract them with more truth-based ones. There is also a section on Automatic Negative Thoughts and another on Calm Down Thoughts to help challenge negative thoughts and calm the mind.

anxious thoughts breakdown

5. Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

One of the signs and symptoms of anxiety is its physical manifestations, such as heavy breathing, elevated heart rate, and headaches. By recognizing these signs and symptoms of anxiety, it becomes easier to get the help your teen needs. Teens can use this worksheet to describe their own anxiety symptoms.

physical symptoms of anxiety

6. Coping Skills for Worries, Racing, and Intrusive Thoughts

Worrying as well as racing and intrusive thoughts are some signs of anxiety. These can be the result of a stressful event or an underlying mental health condition. Use this worksheet to cope with any intrusive or racing thoughts and worries. It involves strategies like meditation, talking a walk, or listening to music, all of which can help teens calm down.

Coping Skills For Worries, Racing, And Intrusive Thoughts

7. Anxiety Triggers for Teens

Anxiety is often caused by certain triggers. For teens, this can include failed expectations, family stress, or conflict with peers. Triggers are different for every teen, but it is important to know how to identify them to prevent more serious problems. This worksheet increases a teen’s self-awareness by helping them identify things that worry them. Knowing what their triggers are and how strong they can be can allow them to use the right coping mechanism.

Anxiety Triggers

8. Preparing for Anxiety

It is impossible to completely avoid anxiety because it can sometimes be uncontrollable. But there’s good news: teens can prepare for anxiety and face it head-on. The preparing for anxiety worksheet asks teens to answer four questions that increase their awareness of anxiety triggers, how they react to them, and what they can do to further prepare for the situation. They also identify coping skills to lower anxiety and regain control.

Preparing for Anxiety

9. Worry Jar

There are times when anxiety can consume our thoughts and take our attention away from the present moment. Teens can use this worry jar worksheet to express their worries and eliminate stress from their minds so they can focus on other things that matter. They can write down anything that is causing them some anxiety, such as family conflict, body image issues, worries about academics, and others. By allotting a specific time to worry, teens can learn to let go of their anxieties.

Worry Jar

10. Letting Go of Anxious Thoughts

Teens are constantly faced with pressure from all aspects of life, from academics, to personal appearance, family concerns, and social issues. These things can cause a teen to worry constantly, which can eventually take a toll on their physical, mental, and emotional health. This worksheet can teach teens how to take a mental break from the vicious cycle of anxiety. Whenever anxious thoughts pop up, they can write them in the balloons drawn on the worksheet and imagine them floating away.

Letting Go of Anxious Thoughts

11. Coping Skills for Anxiety

Learning coping skills to deal with anxiety is valuable to any teen who experiences worries, fear, and dread. This worksheet introduces healthy coping skills such as positive self-talk, deep breathing, and grounding that can help reduce anxiety and stress over various situations. It also helps teens replace unhealthy coping mechanisms with better ones.

Coping Skills for Anxiety

12. Anxiety Tracker

Tracking anxiety attacks or symptoms can help us know more about how to treat anxiety in teens. This worksheet allows teens to identify what makes them anxious, coping skills they can use, and how well each one works to bring down their anxious feelings on a scale of 1 to 5. The worksheet also categorizes coping skills into Relaxation, Distraction, Movement, and Thinking skills.

Anxiety Tracker

13. Social Anxiety

There are specific types of anxiety, and one of them is social anxiety. This condition is very common among children and teenagers. It causes them to feel afraid of social situations, such as starting conversations or talking in front of others. This social anxiety worksheet is designed to provide situations that might make teens more anxious and let them identify each one. Parents, teachers, and mental health professionals can then help them gain the confidence to face these situations with the right techniques and coping mechanisms.

Social Anxiety

14. Test Anxiety

Another type of anxiety is test anxiety, which is when a teen might feel anxious right before a test or an exam. This may cause them to perform poorly as a result of being unable to concentrate and do their best. This worksheet can help teenagers be more aware of their thoughts and feelings before a test. It also asks them to identify coping skills, behaviors, and encouraging statements that can promote calmness and relief before facing any kind of test.

Test Anxiety Coping Skills

15. Working Through Anxiety

Working through anxiety is crucial to managing its symptoms. One way to do this is for teens to express their worries. This worksheet does just that, and it also teaches teens to explore healthy ways to handle their anxiety. If your teen is unable to come up with coping skills and encouraging statements, then try suggesting helpful ideas that they can take inspiration from.

Working Through Anxiety


As helpful as anxiety can be, it is often the culprit that makes us worry too much about fears that may not even be real. By learning how to manage anxiety, teens can live their lives to the fullest and enjoy riding the ups and downs of adolescence without having to worry about being anxious all the time. Check out our other anxiety worksheets to help your teen deal with their anxious feelings.

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