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cbt worksheets for teens

10 Printable CBT Worksheets for Teens

CBT is a helpful way to improve your teenager’s coping skills. Use these CBT worksheets for teens to equip them to handle stressful situations.

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self care for teens

11 Self-Care Tips for Teens

Self-care for teens is the key to a healthy and happy mindset. Here are a few self-care activities to try.

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dbt for teens

DBT for Teens: How it Works, Skills, and FAQs

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) for teens is a therapeutic approach that focuses on helping teenagers develop coping skills and manage emotions. Learn how DBT for teens works, essential skills, and find answers to frequently asked questions.

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a therapist giving cbt to a teenager

CBT for Teens: How it Works, Techniques, and FAQs

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an effective psychological treatment for teenagers dealing with various mental health issues. Learn about how CBT works, the different techniques used, and find answers to frequently asked questions.

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