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calm down strategies for kids

101 Effective Calm Down Strategies for Kids

Discover these calm down strategies for kids that will help them deal with their emotions more healthily. Our list includes exercises, games, and affirmations they can practice anywhere.

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jumping to conclusions

Jumping to Conclusions: Why It Happens and How to Stop It

Jumping to conclusions is a thought distortion that results in poor decision making and increases mental health problems. In this article, find out how you or your loved one can overcome this using five cognitive therapy tips.

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emotional reasoning

Emotional Reasoning: A Cognitive Distortion

Emotional reasoning is when you jump into conclusions based on how you feel. In this article, you’ll learn how this cognitive distortion affects your life and three ways to help yourself.

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a kid experiencing overgeneralization

What is Overgeneralization?

Overgeneralization is a faulty perception or belief that causes you to judge yourself and others inaccurately. At some point, you’ve probably said ...

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disqualifying the positive

Disqualifying the Positive: How to Overcome It

If you, your child, or teen is struggling with disqualifying the positive, read this article. Learn the signs and examples of this cognitive distortion — and more importantly, five ways to change it.

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cbt triangle wall art in a frame

The CBT Triangle: What it is and How it Works

Discover how the CBT triangle can be used to help treat mental health conditions in kids, teens, and adults in this article. We’ve also included CBT worksheets for your therapy practice.

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