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Key Takeaways:

  • Task paralysis is the inability to start a task despite having the motivation to do so. It may manifest through poor time management, difficulty focusing, rapid mood changes, and failure to make decisions, among other things.
  • Perfectionism and procrastination co-occur with task paralysis. Perfectionists crave approval and are highly critical of themselves, while procrastinators delay tasks until the last minute.
  • Adolescents can overcome task paralysis by breaking tasks down into smaller ones, using timers and reminders, setting realistic expectations, and identifying why they avoid a specific job.

It’s not uncommon for children and teenagers to struggle with task paralysis. After all, they’re surrounded by distractions and at an age when schoolwork isn’t very appealing. However, feeling overwhelmed and stuck no matter how much time passes can pose significant academic and social consequences.

This article will outline the symptoms of task paralysis, why it manifests in people with ADHD, and how to help your child or teen overcome it.

What is Task Paralysis?

Task paralysis is the inability to start a task or feeling overwhelmed by too many tasks. When an adolescent experiences task paralysis, the brain’s executive center shuts down, making decision-making, self-regulation, and planning seem impossible [*].

Task paralysis might look something like this:

  • A teenager has five assignments they need to complete by the following day. Because they don’t feel they can finish all five, they delay each task, thinking they’ll achieve them later but never start.
  • A teenager is doing research for a project and realizes there is a lot of information to review. They become overwhelmed, over-analyze the data, and are discouraged from starting the project.

How to Identify Task Paralysis in Teens

It can be challenging to discern “normal” distraction from task paralysis in teens. In addition, task paralysis might manifest differently across adolescents. Task paralysis symptoms include:

  • Overthinking and overanalyzing
  • Poor time management
  • Inability to focus
  • Inability to start projects, whether menial or high-priority
  • Rapid mood changes
  • Inability to make decisions
  • Time blindness (unaware of time passing by)
  • Jumping from one task to another
  • Lack of clarity
  • Quickly losing train of thoughts

Is Perfectionism a Significant Factor in Task Paralysis?

Adolescents who struggle with perfectionism are more likely to experience task paralysis. Perfectionism causes teens to over-identify with their performance—they are afraid of “failing.”

Teens with perfectionism have impossibly high personal standards and are overly critical of themselves, discouraging them from starting tasks without guaranteeing success [*].

Some signs of perfectionism that may lead to task paralysis include:

  • Craving approval
  • Becoming defensive when receiving feedback
  • Being highly critical of team/group members
  • Viewing mistakes as proof of inadequacy
  • Investing energy into masking flaws
  • Inability to celebrate success
  • Having an all-or-nothing mindset

Why is Task Paralysis Common in People with ADHD?

Task paralysis is common in people with ADHD and neurodivergence because they typically struggle with impulsivity, high self-imposed standards, and a complex intensity threshold [*]. If a task doesn’t meet the criteria of someone struggling with ADHD, they may become discouraged from starting it.

In addition, people with ADHD suffer from disorganization, making it challenging to identify how to start a project.

Finally, people with ADHD are more likely to abandon projects when they start tasks impulsively.

Learn more about ADHD paralysis in our comprehensive article.

What Role Does Procrastination Play in Task Paralysis?

Task paralysis is a form of procrastination when an adolescent delays a task for no tangible reason. On the other hand, there are various types of procrastination that most researchers classify into two:

  • Passive procrastinators delay tasks because they struggle to make decisions.
  • Active procrastinators delay tasks because they work better under pressure.

A procrastinator might take on different behavioral styles, such as:

  • Believing that others don’t have the right to dictate their time schedules
  • Taking on too much work
  • Failing to pay attention to detail
  • Fearing the comfort of the “known”

How to Overcome Task Paralysis

Adolescents who have task paralysis don’t need to stay stuck or come out the other side alone. Here are a few tips for helping them overcome task paralysis.

Set Realistic Expectations

Especially in their high school years, teenagers are susceptible to pressure from peers, teachers, and themselves. Help them set realistic expectations they can achieve within a specific timeframe. Give them space to admit when they are overwhelmed—let them slow down.

Understand Why Someone is Avoiding a Task

Understanding why your teen is avoiding a task may allow them to address these obstacles more creatively. For instance, is your teen avoiding the task in its entirety, or do they feel threatened by one step of the task?

Perhaps they don’t want to perform the task in the order in which it was assigned. In this case, explore whether there is room to complete the task in a non-chronological order.

Parents and caregivers can refer to our ADHD worksheets to better understand why task and ADHD paralysis occur.

Work in “Piecemeal”

Overcoming task paralysis doesn’t entail completing the task all at once. If possible, break the task into smaller pieces, making it more approachable.

Help your teen visualize these tasks by making a list. For example, if your teen is writing an essay:

  • Research the topic, breaking each subtopic into a category.
  • Collect scholarly sources.
  • Create multiple thesis statements.
  • Write the introduction.
  • Write the essay one header at a time.
  • Write the conclusion.
  • Proofread each section.

Get as detailed as necessary for your teen to achieve each step realistically.

Use Alarms and Calendars

Teens prone to procrastination might benefit from setting alarms. They can set as many as they need to—to remind them to start, to work on a portion of the project, or to prepare their final submission.

Task calendars can provide visual assistance for plotting assignments and appointments. Adolescents can use them to anticipate the week.

Is Relapse Common After Overcoming Task Paralysis?

Relapse after overcoming task paralysis can occur, but it isn’t inevitable. How likely it is for an adolescent to relapse depends on the following factors:

  • The underlying causes of task paralysis, such as anxiety, perfectionism, or poor time management.
  • Strategy sustainability, such as developing better time management skills and seeking professional help.
  • Potential life changes, such as starting at a new school, welcoming a new sibling, or milestones within the family.
  • Strength of support system. (friends, family members, community organizations)

When to Seek Professional Help

For adolescents struggling with severe task management, professional help, and executive functioning coaching may become necessary if:

  • It deeply impacts school, interpersonal relationships, and personal life.
  • It causes significant anxiety, depression, or emotional distress.
  • It leads to self-destructive behaviors.
  • There is a significant lack of improvement.
  • It exacerbates other mental health conditions.

The Bottom Line

If your child or teen sees their to-do list as a threat, it doesn’t mean they can’t get things done. By breaking up tasks into more manageable ones, understanding the causes of overwhelm, and equipping themselves with the appropriate tools, adolescents can overcome task paralysis over time.

You may feel just as “stuck” as a parent or caregiver as your child or teen. There is no shame in starting small. Explore ways to improve symptoms of task paralysis and related conditions with our comprehensive collection of worksheets!


  1. Rabinovici GD, et al. “Executive Dysfunction.” 2015.
  2. Niermann, H, et al. “The relation between procrastination and symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in undergraduate students.” 2014.
  3. Maker A. “How Perfectionism Can Affect Kids.” 2018.

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