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Managing Stress By Taking Breaks From Technology

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Taking breaks from technology essentially means temporarily disconnecting from electronic devices, such as turning them off and refraining from checking notifications. There’s evidence showing that smartphone and social media usage are linked to negative mental health outcomes, including sleep deprivation and academic underperformance.

The Managing Stress By Taking Breaks From Technology handout serves as a useful guide for clients who need ideas to unplug. First, it provides facts about the effects of constant screen time and how unplugging helps, and then lists 6 tips and 4 “fun extras.” The handout concludes with a reminder about finding balance and creating enjoyable moments.

Using this handout helps kids and teens break some of the bad habits they’ve built due to excessive smartphone use, and experience less stress and better productivity. As parents, remember to model the behavior you want your child to adopt. Your actions will reinforce the importance of disconnecting from technology.

This handout can also be found in our 39-page Stress Management Handout Bundle, which includes a large number of research-backed stress management strategies.

*This item is an instant digital download. A link to download your files will be emailed to you once payment is confirmed.

Want more resources like this? Check out our full catalog of stress management worksheets and handouts.


  1. Abi-Jaoude, E., Naylor, K. T., & Pignatiello, A. (2020). Smartphones, social media use and youth mental health. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 192(6), E136–E141. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.190434
  2. Wilcockson, T., Osborne, A. M., & Ellis, D. (2019, December 1). Digital detox: The effect of smartphone abstinence on mood, anxiety, and craving. Addictive Behaviors. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2019.06.002
  • Instant digital download
  • File: PDF
  • Size: 8.5" x 11"
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