Myths About Emotions DBT Worksheets

Myths or misconceptions about emotions, such as the belief that “Emotions are bad and destructive” or “There is a right and a wrong way to feel about events or situations” can get in the way of your ability to regulate emotions. These beliefs often come from dysfunctional settings and need to be challenged through emotional awareness and mindfulness.
The Myths About Emotions DBT Worksheets include different activities that give clients opportunities to work on challenging common myths. For example, one worksheet asks them to write down as many myths as they can think of and rate their level of belief, while another worksheet asks them to brainstorm and write opposing viewpoints.
These worksheets help kids and teens reduce emotional distress and develop a more balanced and realistic understanding of their emotions through logical reasoning. They can also use the DBT Check the Facts handout to evaluate their thoughts and assumptions more objectively when they’re feeling negative.
These worksheets can be paired with our DBT Myths About Emotions handout, which provides a visually engaging list of the 16 common myths that are included in the worksheets.
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- Fassbinder, E., Schweiger, U., Martius, D., Brand-de Wilde, O., & Arntz, A. (2016). Emotion regulation in schema therapy and dialectical behavior therapy. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1373.
- Van Dijk, S. (2012). Calming the emotional storm: Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills to Manage Your Emotions and Balance Your Life. New Harbinger Publications.
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- File: Fillable PDF - 5 Pages
- Size: 8.5" x 11"